A Guide to Healthcare Jobs in Australia for International Applicants

The decision of migrating to another country is not an easy one to make. You are not only removing yourself of everything familiar to you, but you are also potentially uprooting your entire family. This decision is particularly difficult to make if you’re thinking of migrating for work. Being well informed makes it easier to make such decisions successfully. This is especially true when you’re looking for healthcare jobs in Australia and you’re trying to enter a health force as vast and diverse as the health force in Australia.

As the healthcare and social assistance industry grew by almost 50% in the last half a decade, many job opportunities have opened up for both locals and those looking to migrate for jobs. However, it is important to note that without the proper guidance, you will surely find yourself extremely confused and perhaps even a little lost about the process of attaining them.

Qualifications required for joining the Australian healthcare force

Regardless of what professional designation you’re aiming for, know that Australia is seeking professionals with recognized qualifications. And while the particular qualifications can differ from profession to profession (for example, nurses and midwives may have certain requirements, while doctors and dentists may have other requirements), there are also a few things that are required from all healthcare providers before enlisting in the Australian healthcare force. For example,

  • Being proficient in the English language
  • Requiring a criminal record check
  • Evidence regarding your qualifications
  • Evidence to show how recently you have practiced in your home country

And of course,

Selecting the correct visa to suit your requirements

If you haven’t already done so, you must first register with the relevant medical board in Australia. This registration should not be confused with the skill assessment done for visa; this registration is mostly for practicing healthcare in Australia.

And though the visa process is confusing and complicated for most people, with the right guidance, this can be achieved without much difficulty. Know that you need to select the correct visa type that suits your requirements. As someone seeking a job in the healthcare sector, there are various options available to you in regard to the Australian Visa. These options may include, but are not limited to, work visas, family visas, and working holiday visas. And though there aren’t too many options to choose from, it’s still best to get professional advice when selecting a visa for seeking healthcare jobs in Australia.

How to find a job?

Like all other sectors, the healthcare sector too advertises in the regular job search pages, websites and professional networking platforms. Apart from this, it’s also best to keep an eye on Australian medical journals as well. Remember that finding a job is not only about applying for jobs. You also need to;

  • keep your CV and cover letter updated – as the healthcare sector is in demand, there will be hundreds of people applying for each vacancy. In this case, your cover letter and CV should stand out amongst those hundreds of other CVs and cover letters. You may use professionals to make your CV stand out if you don’t happen to know how to do so.
  • Keep your professional networking profile updated – most workplaces like to check if their potential candidate has a professional networking site profile. Not only do they get to check for further information about the candidate, but also verify their previous workplaces. Creating a profile in such network sites, and keeping them updated is certainly an advantage, but not a requirement.
  • Prepare for potential interviews – if you’re not currently in Australia, then your initial interview may be conducted either via a phone call or a video conference. Be prepared for such an event. Read up about your potential employers and know what is important to them (in terms of a potential employee). Practice common interview questions so that you can sound professional. Remember to also brush up on your English skills as this is a vital requirement for most Australian healthcare sector employers.
Navigating the visa application process to Australia

Like mentioned above, the visa application process can indeed be confusing. However, if you choose not to seek professional help, you can certainly apply for the visa by yourself. Here’s a simple step-by-step on how to navigate your visa application process.

  • Understand the different types of visas and select the correct visa for you.
  • Assess your eligibility according to the type of visa you select. Remember that each visa type has certain requirements to be met.
  • Organize and prepare your relevant documents. These may include (but is not limited to) identification proof, qualifications and work experience (for the job you’re applying for), as well as financial support documents.
  • Remember to also translate relevant non-English documents to English.
  • Complete the visa application form CORRECTLY. Inaccurate or incomplete forms can result in refusals or delays, so it may be a good idea to use a professional service to fill this form out correctly.
  • Pay the non-refundable visa application fee online.
  • Submit your application and all required documents.

All that’s left after this is to wait for a decision from the Australian government. Give wings to your Australian dream, apply for those healthcare jobs in Australia. Change the direction of your life and how you live it.

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